Soaps In Depth-ABC
October 2nd, 2001
Volume 5, Issue 40
Real Life Love Stories:
OLTL's Erika Slezak
by unknown

Role Models
Happily married to actor Brian Davies for nearly three decades, Erika Slezak
(Viki), OLTL can't help but compare her relationship to the long-lasting union
of her late parents, Walter and Johanna. "My parents had a wonderful
marriage, but it was a very dependent relationship…. My mother was entirely
dependent on my father because that's how it was in those days. He paid
the bills and took care of the house while my mother raised the children and did
the cooking and chores. Certainly, they were intellectual equals, but he
was the boss. Thank God … we don't live like that anymore!"
On the
contrary, Slezak and Davies enjoy what the actress jokingly calls "a
co-dependent" relationship. "We share everything. My husband gave up all
his work to stay at home with the kids, and we split all the duties at
home. I do all the boring stuff – like pay the bills, and he does all the
exercising for both of us, which I'm very grateful for … I thank him for it